The herpes labial is caused by the virus of the herpes simple type I, this virus cannot be eliminated by the organism nor by drugs known until the moment, but you ask yourself How to treat the herpes labial? You can simultaneously find a so simple and very complex answer like ” to prevent futures rebrotes” This is not as easy as it seems, you will think that this means to avoid that the virus attacks to you again, are methods to obtain this, but no avoids to the 100% appearance of sprouts again, since approximately 4 times to the year you will be susceptible to the virus, these methods that we will mention more ahead have the purpose OF DIMINISHING the frequency of the herpetic crises. First it is to maintain the defenses high, a good rich vitamin diet C and B can help this aim. It follows a diet plan and it tries that it is healthy. Now second to avoid the sprouts again it is to even maintain the intact lips, without injuries, exhibition to the heat of the smoke of the cigarette, without too much exhibition to the sun, since one has studied that the sprouts again usually appear after some traumatic episode at local level, that is to say some trauma that has been caused where sometimes appeared the wounds of the herpes. In order to avoid the too much exhibition to the sun you can use blocking sunny days or those days in which you will be with too much exhibition in the light of the sun. In addition it avoids to dehydrate your lips, this will bring about the appearance of small cracks and will cause injuries by the resequedad.
To apply to some balsam or some humectante cream aid to prevent the sprouts again. Or we know that this does not avoid the appearance of the sprouts again of the virus, so they ten present that at some time you will return to be attacked, when this happens, you must olvidarte by some days of the indicated above thing, since he is better to leave the wound intact and not to apply to creams or balsams that can dampen the wound and slow down their healing..