Sign live! secure mail gateway winner of the IT security innovation award category is Karlsruhe 2010, March 12, 2010. The sign live! secure mail gateway by intarsys the Initiative Mittelstand was awarded at CeBIT 2010 the IT Innovation Prize. The solution to sign emails and email attachments won in the category of IT-security. The sign live! secure mail gateway uses the qualified electronic signature card reader with mass signature cards or Signtrust NET. Users can encrypt their E-Mail communication automatically according to the standard S / MIME decode, sign emails and also their signature validate. The solution is server-based, so no adjustments on the E-Mail clients are necessary in business. A direct DMS and archive links, it is possible to pass on selected components of the email directly to the archive.

The administration of the solution and monitoring via a simple Web interface. To define mail actions such as addressing, encryption, signing, and archiving, includes the sign live! secure mail gateway a highly flexible control system. The Innovationspreis-IT 2010 for sign live! secure mail gateway is a great confirmation for our work and our strategy, to certified software solutions and the highest safety standards. We are pleased that our software now ranks among the best IT innovations Germany\”, says intarsys CEO Dr. Bernd Wild, who accepted the prize in Hannover, Germany. Particularly impressed has the opportunity, with the sign live! secure mail gateway e-invoices in the form of email attachments automatically to sign and send another aspect, which is relevant for use in medium-sized companies. Invoices can be provided with a qualified mass signature according to signature law without having more workplace precautions to. The validation log is created according to the specifications of GDPdU and GoB. intarsys uses as a basis for the implementation of sign live! the secure mail gateway certified by the Federal Office for security in information technology (BSI) software sign live! CC.